
The Institute of Advanced Studies in Brussels has opened the application period for the scholarship program for the year 2025

If you are an experienced researcher or an expert from a foreign institution, this is your chance to join an elite international community at Université Libre de Bruxelles and Vrije Universiteit Brussel for the academic year 2024/25. 🔔 A place is reserved exclusively for a researcher from EUTOPIA partner universities.🔍 BrIAS programme:Research period: January 13 – May 31, 2025Topic: “Artificial intelligence, robotics and automation as enablers/blockers of the UN Sustainable Development Goals”🎯 We are looking for dedicated researchers, from any discipline relevant to the topic. Candidates will be evaluated and prioritized according to the selection criteria:

EUTOPIA Innovation Challenges for Researchers

EUTOPIA invites researchers from the alliance to participate in the Innovation Challenges Researchers Impact Series at the University of Ljubljana. This 4-day training program linked to the Slovenian Science and Innovation Festival, UNI.MINDS, will bring together researchers and industry leaders to drive societal change through innovative research.📍 Where: Ljubljana, Slovenia📅 When: October 14-17, 2024 This training program is intended for: 🎯 This training program is intended for: 🔍 Research areas: Applications from other research areas are also welcome. Two researchers will be selected per participating university.💼 Why participate? 📝 For registration, contact: EUTOPIA #InnovationChallenges #ResearchImpact #Ljubljana2024 #UBB


Discover the University of Ljubljana’s Summer School 2024!

Looking to broaden your horizons this summer?

The University of Ljubljana invites you to join our prestigious Summer School 2024, where you’ll find over 40 courses spanning a wide array of disciplines. From economics and business sciences to law, social work, and technical sciences, there’s something for everyone.

Why Choose Our Summer School?

  • Diverse Course Offerings
  • Learn from Experts
  • Cultural Immersion
  • Global Networking

Explore More: Detailed information about our courses is available on website.

Visit University of Ljubljana Summer School

For registration and details contact your local EUTOPIA OFFICER:

Stefania Szeibert-Kerekes, BBU EUTOPIA OFFICER

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to advance your knowledge, meet new friends, and enjoy an unforgettable summer in one of Europe’s most beautiful and welcoming cities. Share this opportunity with your friends, colleagues, and anyone who might be interested.

Join us at the University of Ljubljana’s Summer School 2024 – where learning meets adventure!


🌟 Discover the Future of Technology at the Cergy Summer School: Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence! 🌟

Are you an undergraduate or graduate engineering student eager to delve into the realms of Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence?

This summer, seize the opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills at CY Tech’s prestigious Cergy Summer School!

We are excited to offer three EUTOPIA students the chance to participate for FREE in CY Tech’s Summer School on Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence.

This last-minute opportunity is perfect for students who would love to experience the vibrant atmosphere of the upcoming Olympic Games.

📅 Program Dates: July 1st – July 19th 2024 📍 Location: CY Tech, Cergy, France

Why Choose Cergy Summer School?

🤖 Advanced Curriculum: Engage in a specialized program that covers the cutting-edge technologies in Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence. Learn from top-tier faculty and industry experts who are leaders in these fields.

🌐 Global Network: Collaborate with talented students from around the world, building a diverse and expansive professional network. Share ideas and work on projects that have a global impact.

🧠 Hands-On Learning: Participate in interactive workshops and real-world projects designed to provide practical experience in applying AI and visual computing technologies. Gain insights into the latest research and industry practices.

🏙️ Cultural Experience: Immerse yourself in French culture and enjoy the vibrant city of Cergy. Explore historical sites, enjoy local cuisine, and make memories that last a lifetime.

🏠 Convenient Accommodation: Choose from a range of student residences, such as the Kley Residence and Jean-Baptiste De La Salle Residence, offering modern amenities and a secure living environment. Options range from shared flats to private studios, all within close proximity to the campus.

🎓 Career Advancement: Bolster your resume with international experience and specialized knowledge in Visual Computing and AI. This program is designed to position you as a standout candidate in the competitive global job market.

🔗 Learn More and Apply Now by sending an e-mail to the following address:


Join us this summer at Cergy Summer School and take the first step towards becoming a leader in Visual Computing and Artificial Intelligence! 🚀

Eutopia Innovation Challenge 2024

Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai organizează în perioada 15-19 aprilie 2024, “EUTOPIA Innovation Challenges for Students: Discovery week”. Evenimentul va aduce împreună, la Cluj-Napoca, timp de o săptămână, peste 80 de studenți de excepție de la următoarele universități din cadrul EUTOPIA: Universitatea Liberă din Bruxelles (Belgia), CY Cergy Paris Université (Franța), Technische Universität Dresden (Germania), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spania), Universitatea din Göteborg (Suedia), Universitatea din Ljubljana (Slovenia), Universitatea Warwick (Regatul Unit), Universitatea Ca’ Foscari din Veneția (Italia), Universitatea NOVA din Lisabona (Portugalia) și Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca (România). Organizat sub forma unui challenge event, tematica întâlnirilor va include subiecte precum: cybersecurity, sustainability și …

EUTOPIA Young Leaders Academy (YLA)

Alianta EUTOPIA are placerea de a anunta lansarea celui de-al treilea apel EUTOPIA Young Leaders Academy (YLA). Obiectivul YLA este de a sprijini dezvoltarea carierei tinerilor cercetatori din universitatile partenere EUTOPIA si de a promova schimbul stiintific interdisciplinar.  Membrii EUTOPIA YLA vor fi implicati in schimburi academice si activitati de networking, sesiuni de dezvoltare a competentelor, de formare si vizite menite sa familiarizeze bursierii cu mediul de cercetare al aliantei EUTOPIA.  Aplicatiile, incluzand un proiect de colaborare si de dezvoltare a carierei sustinute de conducerea facultatilor (sefi de departament, decani), vor fi depuse prin e-mail in perioada 28 martie-28 mai …

Call for selection – “EUTOPIA Innovation Challenges for Students: Discovery week”

Established in 2019, EUTOPIA is an Alliance of ten European universities committed to developing, through transnational cooperation, a new model for European integrated higher education institutions. EUTOPIA is part of the European Universities Initiative. More information on EUTOPIA –  Babeș-Bolyai University organizes in April the event “EUTOPIA Innovation Challenges For Students: Discovery Week” that aims to promote students local engagement through collaborative partnerships and challenge-based initiatives with stakeholders from public and private sectors to address real problems, taking advantage of the potentialities of creative environments to stimulate a cross-disciplinary work. Download here the Call for Selection What can you expect? If you participate in this challenge, you …

Analiza (MAPPING SURVEY) a organizațiilor studențești din universitățile partenere ale Alianței Universitare EUTOPIA (o inițiativă sub proiectul EUTOPIA MORE)

Completarea sondajului de cartografiere a organizațiilor studențești EUTOPIA este primul pas către realizarea acestui obiectiv. EUTOPIA reprezintă o alianță formată din zece universități europene, colaborând pentru dezvoltarea instituțiilor de învățământ superior integrate la nivel transfrontalier. În centrul atenției acestei alianțe stau studenții, iar obiectivul nostru este să facilităm interconectarea organizațiilor studențești din cadrul universităților membre, în cadrul proiectului EUTOPIA MORE, finanțat prin Programul Erasmus + 2021-2027. Ce urmărim? Scopul imediat constă în crearea unei baze de date a organizațiilor studențești interesate să se conecteze sau să fie contactate de alte grupuri de studenți, în special pentru a planifica și colabora …

Conferința Studențească Internațională: The International Conference of Undergraduate Research – ICUR Students

ICUR este o conferință internațională academică organizată de către Universitatea Warwick și Universitatea Monash a cărui scop central este de a aduce în prim-plan cercetările realizate de studenți (de la nivel de licență din întreaga lume). Scopul ICUR este de a stimula conexiunile internaționale și discuțiile interdisciplinare între studenții proveniți din instituțiile partenere a celor două universități organizatoare (ambele membre ale alianței EUTOPIA!) . Acest eveniment oferă un cadru riguros, dar în același timp sprijinitor, în care studenții pot participa la dialogul global în domeniul cercetării, pot dezbate idei și pot primi feedback din partea colegilor lor.

Școală de vară organizată de Universitatea din Warwick

Descrierea programului: Școala de Vară de la Warwick este un program de trei săptămâni deschis pentru studenți de licență, masteranzi și profesioniști. Data: între 14 iulie și 3 august 2024 Locație: campusul Warwick Ce include acest program? Pentru mai multe detalii și pentru a aplica, accesează link-ul aici. Dată: Mai – Iulie 2024 Module oferite de către Universitatea din Warwick: